More reading

About coaching

Many of my coaching clients have said that at first they did not know what to expect from Coaching, or how it would translate into positive outcomes at work. After we have worked together they are very positive about the benefits, but it can be difficult to explain to someone who has never had the experience. I am therefore pleased that the International Coaching Federation have produced this 2 minute video which I hope will help. It provides an introduction to professional coaching, and explains the benefits of partnering with a coach to achieve goals:-

Everyone needs a coach

Emotional Intelligence and how coaching can improve in areas of EI deficit:-

A short video on how coaching works produced by Wellcoaches School of Coaching:-

Articles on the developing role of governance professionals
The Company Secretary – Building trust through governance – ICSA  and Henley Business Schools’ work to research and review the Company Secretary role:-

Clerking in the new era: implications for college governance:-

Common cause – an article in the November 2015 copy of Audit and Risk Magazine looking at the relationship between the company secretary and internal audit:-

Natural allies – an article in the March edition of the ICSA magazine Governance and Compliance regarding the shared role (and therefore challenges) of internal audit and company secretaries of trusted advisers to the board:-

Stop Worrying by Ad Kerkhof – a very practical book containing a structured programme to help you stop worrying in 4 weeks

The One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson – a short book about how to get big results from people

Learned Optimism by Martin Seligman – based on clinical research and demonstrates how optimism enhances the quality of life and how to learn to practice it.

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